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Government Contracting
Common Contracting Terms
Bid, Tender
Bidder’s Conference
Competitive Bidding
Contract Amendment
Government Contractor
Contract Value
Government Procurement
Government Proposal
Invitation to Bid
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFT: Request for Tender
RFQ: Request for Qualification
Federal Contract, Bid or RFP
Local, State Contracts, Bids, RFP
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
A request for quotation (RFQ) allows vendors and contractors to provide quotation on a specific product or service that is intended to be procured, or obtained. Unlike a number of other requests, RFQ's are not solely based on the price at which the vendor or contractor provides in order to perform the service or provide the product. RFQ's are based off of various aspects of the type of job to be performed or product to be supplied.

For example, if an RFQ was to be released for a new building to be constructed, the material by which the developer will use to construct the building, the length it will take the developer to complete the project, the price per items that will be used and much more is taken in to consideration before awarding the contractor/vendor that wins. Once your business has won the bidding process, the agency requesting the quote will generate a purchase order, which is the first official document issued by a buyer to a seller.

If your business is ready to start bidding on RFQ's and many more requests, then FindRFP is the service you need. Our team at FindRFP has the capability to track all public bids on the market and get them to you on a daily basis. Searching the internet for requests can be a lengthy process, but with FindRFP you simply open an email and all the bids that you would be looking for are at your fingertips. Let us worry about finding the exact requests you need,and take the hassle out of searching the internet with FindRFP!

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