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The Rise of Bike Sharing: A Public-Private Partnership
From coast to coast, bustling cities have been recognizing the need for increased options for commuting and transportation. Bike-sharing systems offer metropolitan communities a way to reduce their carbon footprint, decrease vehicle traffic and congestion, and improve public health.

With tens of thousands of bicycles in circulation, more than 2,000 operational stations, and bike sharing systems in more than one hundred American cities, colleges, and universities, more people than ever before are utilizing this vital service. Bike sharing systems are continually advancing and improving in order to attract new riders. In fact, the City of Birmingham, Alabama recently launched a new bike sharing initiative with electric pedal assist bikes. These state-of-the-art bikes are expected to become more popular as they may attract new riders who would have otherwise declined participation due to individual health concerns or the high level of vigor and strain of some commutes.

There are many benefits to biking. Biking avoids heavy vehicle traffic and offers much convenience to riders. Biking also has many health and environmental benefits. As a result, people now more than ever have been compelled to bike rather than drive to school and work. RFPs have streamed into the government marketplace from cities and campuses all over the country that are hoping to adopt these essential bike share systems. In fact, in May of 2012, the City of Chicago, Illinois awarded Alta Bicycle Share, Inc. a long-term contract to install, operate, and maintain a massive bicycle sharing program, city-wide. The system now has 4,000 bicycles at 400 stations. Final expenses and operating costs are still being calculated, but compensation for the project has been set for up to $65 million.

Cities, municipalities, educational institutions, and other government agencies are always looking to offer more transportation and commuting options to students and working professionals. These communities are increasingly demanding that biking be a viable option to meet complex metropolitan transportation requirements, and bike share programs seem to be the answer. Bike sharing companies and bicycle suppliers as well as construction, maintenance, operations, and IT contractors must look no further than FindRFP to be able to obtain contracts related to bike sharing as well as bike lane and trail infrastructure.

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